There are four ways to associate an AdSense account with your YouTube account.

1.If you already have an approved AdSense account:
  1. Access the Monetization page in your Channel Settings and go to the section "How will I be paid?"
  2. From the AdSense Association page, please follow the "next" step to be directed to AdSense.
  3. Select the option "Yes, proceed to Google account sign in" at the bottom of the page to choose the Google Account you wish to use.
  4. Enter the password for your Google Account.
  5. Accept the association and you will then be redirected back to YouTube.
  6. Once your account is activated, a message to inform you that your AdSense account has been associated will appear in your YouTube account (Please note that it may take up to 48 hours for the association to be fully active). Congratulations!

2.If you have never create an Adsense account before:
  1. Access the Monetization page in your Channel Settings and go to the section "How will I be paid?"
  2. From the AdSense Association page, please follow the "next" step to be directed to AdSense.
  3. Select the option at the bottom of the page to choose the Google Account you wish to use.
  4. Enter the password for your Google Account.
  5. Accept the Adsense association.
  6. Provide your contact information and submit your AdSense application.
  7. You will then be redirected back to YouTube, and a message to inform that your AdSense application has been received will appear.
  8. Adsense will update you by mail once your AdSense account is approved and your AdSense Id will be updated on the AdSense Association page (Please note that it may take up to 48 hours for the association to be fully active). Congratulations! 

3.if you want to review or change your AdSense association:
  1. Access the Monetization page in your Channel Settings and go to "Review or change AdSense association"
  2. From the AdSense Association page, click Change.
  3. Select the option "Yes, proceed to Google account sign in" at the bottom of the page to choose the Google Account you with to use.
  4. Accept the association and you will then be redirected back to YouTube.
  5. Your AdSense Publisher Id will be updated on the AdSense Association page. Congratulations!
4.If you have access to the youtube content management system or you use content ID
To associate an AdSense account with your content owner account:

  1. Access the Content Owner Settings page for your YouTube content owner.
  2. Click the pencil icon in the AdSense section of the page.
  3. Click Continue to AdSense to be redirected to AdSense.
  4. Select the Google Account you want to use to sign in to AdSense. If you're already an AdSense publisher, you must sign in with the Google Account that you use to access your AdSense account.
  5. Enter the password for your Google Account if prompted.
  6. Confirm the YouTube channel you're associating the AdSense account with, and choose the primary language for the channel. Although you select one YouTube channel to complete the AdSense association, YouTube will serve ads on all channels linked to your content owner.
  7. Click Accept Association and provide your billing information if prompted.
  8. Once you have completed this process, you will be redirected back to YouTube. AdSense may email you an update.
Once you have completed this process, you will be redirected back to YouTube. AdSense may email you an update.

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